Welcome Back Village School!

The start of the school year was great! It's always fun to see so many familiar faces return and also meet all the new students to our Village Community!

We've been working hard since September on our amazing artwork, and are pleased to share with you what we have been creating in class!

4th Grade Pablo Picasso Portraits

The 4th grade students learned about artist Pablo Picasso. Using his techniques of cubism, the students created abstract portraits. The students also learned about a Monochromatic Palette, and incorporated that into the coloring of their portrait.

5th Grade Watercolor Symmetry

The 5th grade students learned about Symmetry-the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis. 
The students used rulers, compasses and tracers to create a symmetrical design. They then water colored a background and used black sharpie marker to highlight the design.

6th Grade Optical Illusions

The 6th grade students learned about Op Artist, Bridget Riley. We looked at optical illusions and discussed how they all tricked the viewers eye into thinking something was moving on the page. The students created their own optical illusions by either making objects appear to be getting bigger or smaller, making shapes look like they are spinning or popping out in three dimension. 

6th Grade EDU Mandalas

The 6th Grade EDU students created Mandalas- which are a symbol of unity, balance and harmony. Each student used a compass to make the rings of their mandala. Design handouts were passed out to the students to assist in the drawing of the ring patterns. Oil pastel was the medium of choice to color and enhance detail.


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